Ethereum News

Introducing the EEA’s Ethereum Training Quality Working Group

Written by James Smith

A rapidly increasing number of companies and individuals are looking to educate themselves to successfully work in the blockchain space. Often, they begin learning about the technology informally, seeking out resources online or from training companies they know, without much guidance. Unfortunately, those resources are largely lacking. The offerings are often biased, inconsistent, outdated and can be quite basic. For those new to blockchain, it is not clear which ones are reputable and will result in demonstrable knowledge and skill, there’s no clear way to measure gaps in one’s learning and it’s easy to get confused.

At the EEA, we recognize the importance of education. As the most widespread platform, and the basis for most of the individual blockchain variants, Ethereum is an ideal platform on which to base training for blockchain. Effective education is crucial to encourage the development of the ecosystem and the adoption of this powerful technology, which has the potential to touch our lives in so many ways. That’s why we’re so excited for the launch of our newest working group, the Ethereum Training Quality Working Group, or Eth TQ for short.

This group aims to help individuals interested in the space discern between high-quality blockchain education and training materials and those that are lacking. Members are tasked with creating a quality standard for these materials and certifying the technology resources that meet this standard. The objective is to make it easy for those learning about blockchain to proceed with confidence, knowing they are learning the skills and developing the understanding that industry leaders at the EEA – from small startups to large companies – agree are necessary and relevant.

To make this happen, the Eth TQ Working Group needs your help. Read on to learn how you can get involved in this critical effort to advance blockchain and Ethereum education.

What is the Goal of the Group?

The Ethereum Training Quality Working Group will implement quality standards for educational resources by defining what knowledge and skills an individual needs to successfully help their companies understand and adopt blockchain technology. The group will also serve as a connector for organizations already creating educational content and the companies seeking it.

Who Should Get Involved?

Nearly everyone working in blockchain has an interest in helping the space grow, and this starts with education and training. The Eth TQ Working Group invites input from anyone interested in helping identify and certify quality blockchain educational offerings. This is your opportunity to help shape blockchain education standards.

Who is Leading the Group?

The Eth TQ Working Group chair is Sonal Patel, Operations Lead at Consensys Mesh.

When Does the Group Meet?

The Eth TQ Working Group currently meets every other Wednesday at 8am ET.

How Can I Get Involved?

Current EEA members should log into the Member Collaboration site and join the working group to receive future updates and meeting invitations.

Interested in getting involved, but you’re not yet an EEA member? Find out more about EEA membership and how you can help make Ethereum and blockchain accessible to a wide group of individuals and companies. Schedule a meeting with James Harsh, contact [email protected], or visit

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About the author

James Smith

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